Cover template for Utilising Maori and Pacific pedagogies presentation


Utilising Māori and Pacific pedagogies in literacy learning

AKO Workshop Training 36

Resource collection

Utilising Māori and Pacific pedagogies in literacy learning

Cover template for Creating a space to talk about Tuakana Teina


Creating a space to talk about the Tuakana-Teina pedagogy for tertiary educators

Ako Group discussion

Resource collection

Creating a space to talk about the Tuakana-Teina pedagogy for tertiary educators

Cover template for Ranga framework presentation


Ranga Framework

Cover template for The Ranga Framework info sheet


The Ranga Framework/He Raranga Kaupapa – resource guide

Video thumbnail The Ranga Framework He Raranga Kaupapa


The Ranga framework/He Raranga Kaupapa

new tertiary teaching

Resource collection

The Ranga Framework/He Raranga Kaupapa

Video thumbnail He Huarahi Whakamarama


He Huarahi Whakamarama

Cover template for Whaia te iti Kahurangi


Whaia te iti kahurangi: Aim high despite all difficulties

Cover template for He Huarahi Whakamarama


He Huarahi Whakamarama/Pathway to Enlightenment

AKO 2018 group learning

Resource collection

Putea Arapiki Ako projects

Cover template for He mana to te kupu presentation


He mana tō te kupu: Re-engaging Māori with literacy – Presentation

Cover template for He Mana to te Kupu paper

Discussion paper

He mana tō te kupu: Re-engaging Māori with literacy – Paper

AKO Teaching circle outdoor

Resource collection

He mana tō te kupu: Re-engaging Māori with literacy

Cover template for Embedding LN in a Maori context


Embedding LN in a Māori context

AKO under 25 learners

Resource Collection

Embedding literacy and numeracy in a Māori context

Cover template for Navigating the waves


Navigating the waves (Literacy praxis)

Cover template for Soft Outcomes Engaging Learner Identity


Soft outcomes: Engaging learner identity to facilitate and improve hard outcomes

Video thumbnail Relational and culturally responsive approaches to learning and literacy


Relational and culturally responsive approaches to learning and literacy

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