Case study

Enhancing the effectiveness of tertiary teaching through assessment: Māori and Pasifika case studies

Massey Industrial Design 09


A collaborative approach to mentoring: A model for Industry Training Organisations and employers

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Resource Collection

Professional Learning: Reading – Learning Modules

abc for inclusive tertiary art education


The ABCs for inclusive tertiary art education

Poster A Theory without practice is empty practice without theory is blind


Theory without practice is empty; practice without theory is blind

Ako HTW workshop

Resource Collection

Māori and Pacific Literacy and Numeracy - Videos from He Taunga Waka Wānanga

SYNTHESIS REPORT Professional standards for Tertiary Teachers

Synthesis report

Professional standards for Tertiary Teachers: A Synthesis of recent work and initiatives

ALN Numeracy Glossary


Adult numeracy teaching and learning glossary

AKO using VR to teach te reo


Ako Ao Mariko: VR for Learning Te Reo

HTW te ata hapara


Te Ata Hāpara - Creating Contexts for Culturally Responsive Assessment and Learning

AKO lecture 08


The Making of Lawyers: Expectations and Experiences of New Zealand Law Students and Recent New Zealand Law Graduates

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Ka nanakia hoki ‘ki’ te numeracy (Better than before)

KC Kaikaikaroro PT


Kaikaikaroro - Enhancing student success within Wānanga

Ako Aotearoa Te Papa Event Stock 33

Impact Evaluation

Ako Aotearoa Synthesis reports

REPORT Te Whaihanga

Full report

Te Whaihanga | To better prepare built environment professionals to work and engage with Māori

See more