Literature review

Social Work Education, Curriculum Mapping and Educational Taxonomies – Literature scan

Educational outcomes Social and Behavioural Science
Published: 16 April 2017

A literature scan written to support the first phase of Enhancing the Readiness to Practice. The aims of the literature review are to introduce social work education in Aotearoa New Zealand and to explore the rationale for two aspects of our proposed methodology - curriculum mapping and the development of a taxonomy of Terms for Indexing Social Work Education in Aotearoa New Zealand (TISWEANZ).


Enhancing the readiness to practise of newly qualified social workers

A collaborative, three-year project that aimed to develop a professional capabilities framework, clarifying the capabilities of newly qualified social workers and social workers at experienced and advanced levels of practice.

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Co-funded by

Ako Aotearoa’s
National Project Fund

Partnered with

Open Polytechnic, The University of Auckland, Massey University, University of Canterbury, and the University of Otago