Our programmes and services align with the Tertiary Education Strategy to support tertiary and vocational education in Aotearoa.



Cultural inclusion and Language, Literacy and Numeracy success.

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Māori Learner Success

Building educator capability to support Māori learner success.

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Pacific learner success

Building educator capability to support Pacific learner success.


Te Whatu Kairangi

The prestigious annual Aotearoa tertiary educator awards.

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A whole-organisation, reflective practice approach to capability building.


Dyslexia-Friendly Quality Mark

Organisation-wide professional learning supporting tertiary education organisations to be dyslexia-friendly.

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Professional learning and development

Improving professional practice for tertiary educators. Earn valuable digital badges.

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Research and Innovation

The Ako Aotearoa Research and Innovation Agenda (AARIA) seeks to co-fund research projects with tertiary education organisations, researchers, and educators to develop new knowledge to inform improved ways of teaching and learning in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Qualification Development

Ako Aotearoa is Qualification Developer for NZQA's Teacher Education suite.