Te Pātaka Mātauranga Māori
Explore Ako Aotearoa's resources, professional learning opportunities and events developed to support Māori learner success.

Te Whatu Kairangi Kaupapa Māori Awardees
Every year, Te Whatu Kairangi celebrates outstanding tertiary educators who have achieved success in supporting Māori learners.

Our Māori learner success strategic goals
We are committed to improving the participation, engagement and success of Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand's tertiary education sector.

Māori education partnerships
Ako Aotearoa works collaboratively with a range of organisations on initiatives to help educators increase educational success for Māori learners.

Te Tohu Reo Māori Award
Te Tohu Reo Māori award is an important new addition to Te Whatu Kairangi that recognises the practice of kaiako who teach te reo Māori.