Ruth Peterson in inaugural Regional Forum in Auckland


Ako Aotearoa holds inaugural Regional Forum in Auckland

9 March 2023 Supporting learners, Educational outcomes, Supporting staff, Teaching strategies, Strategic Leadership and Change

Last Friday, the Ako Aotearoa Northern Hub hosted our first Regional Forum of 2023. 

The Forum, which took place at JetPark Hotel in Auckland, attracted 130 staff members and teams from across the tertiary education sector to reconnect and explore recent developments around teaching and learning.

The purpose of this event was to bring the tertiary community together to unpack current sector challenges and explore successful strategies to overcome such challenges. Ako Aotearoa was pleased to co-host the forum with Independent Tertiary Education New Zealand (ITENZ) and Hanga Aro Rau Workplace Development Council.

Photos of Jeremy Sole (ITENZ), Yvonne O'Callaghan (Hanga Aro Rau), Phil Alexander-Crawford (Hanga Aro Rau) & Alisha Tsai (Hanga Aro Rau).

From left to right: Jeremy Sole (ITENZ), Yvonne O'Callaghan (Hanga Aro Rau), Phil Alexander-Crawford (Hanga Aro Rau) & Alisha Tsai (Hanga Aro Rau)

Northern Hub Sector Services Manager Ruth Peterson was delighted with the turnout:

“For me, it has been so rewarding to be able to provide a Forum that enabled so many to come together and discuss challenges and our successful strategies. The discussions throughout the day proved the value of having a Forum such as this.”

Ruth Peterson – Sector Services Manager of the Ako Aotearoa Northern Hub

Many attendees described the event as valuable and worthwhile; one expressing how they were “grateful to Ako, ITENZ & Hanga Aro Rau for bringing the sector together in person, after lockdowns, flooding, cyclone & no in-person meetings in a long while – especially in Tāmaki Makaurau.”

The discussions on the day centred around the themes of diversity, wellbeing, literacy, and re-engaging learners. A pleasing outcome was the creation of a working group to look at the summary of the discussions and develop resources that respond to identified needs.

We want to thank everyone who came to the Forum and participated in the discussions. Your contributions and feedback will help Ako Aotearoa in the work we do to support the sector with regards to these challenges and shared priorities.

Next up is the Central Regional Forum in Wellington on 5 May, led by our Central Hub Sector Services Manager Graeme Read. Registrations for that will open soon, and stay tuned for more information about the Southern Forum in June.

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