Kawakawa leaves

Moe mai rā Kiingi Tuheitia | Ako Aotearoa is saddened to hear of the passing of Kiingi Tuheitia.

2 September 2024

He maimai aroha ki a Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII


Tiwhatiwha te ao! 
Tiwhatiwha te pō! 
Kua tau rā te kapua pouri ki runga o Taupiri 
Ki runga rā hoki ki te Kāhui Ariki o te Kīngitanga 
Ki runga ki ngā iwi o te waka o Tainui 
Ki runga ki te ao Māori 
Ki runga hoki rā o Aotearoa 
Me te ao whānui tonu 
I te hinganga o Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII

E pari ana ngā ākau o Aotearoa  
E waipuketia ana te whenua 
I ngā roimata o te iti me te rahi 
Mōhou rā e te Ariki nui 
Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII 
Kua wehe atu nei 
Mōhou rā i whakahau kia whakakotahi ai 
Te iwi Māori ake 
Me Aotearoa whānui 
I mua i ngā whakapōreareatanga o te wā 
Nāreira pikitia rā tō maunga tapu 
E te Ariki 
E tāria ana ra koe e ō rārangi mātua-tīpuna 
Kia okioki tahi ake ai rā koutou 
Tihei mauri mate! 
Tihei mauri ora!

A fond tribute to Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII


Darkness shrouds the day! 
Darkness shrouds the night! 
As a dark cloud hangs above Taupiri mountain 
Upon the Noble Family of the Kīngitanga 
Upon the people of the Tainui confederation 
Upon the Māori world 
Upon Aotearoa 
And upon the wider world 
At the passing of Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII

The shores of Aotearoa are at full tide 
And the land is inundated 
With the tears of the multitudes 
For your High Chief 
Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII 
Who have departed 
And for you who urged 
The Māori people to unite 
And for greater Aotearoa to unite with Māori 
In the face of these testing times 

Therefore, climb your sacred mountain 
High Chief 
Where you are awaited by your ancestors 
To rest as one with them

Rest in peace, to those who have passed on!
And good health to those who live on!


New Zealand Native Fern fronds in the sun