Project Details

A project completed in 2011, undertaken by the University of Canterbury, to develop a handbook and accompanying videos to help busy academic staff incorporate Work-Integrated-Learning (WIL) in a way that promotes social transformation through the development of graduates as engaged and active citizens.


The main aims of the project were to:

  • evaluate the successful integration of emancipatory education into work-integrated-learning
  • review theoretical critiques of tertiary education, specifically focused on vocational training and work-integrated-learning
  • help students directly and productively consider the social transformation of their society.


The project methodology involved:

  • a review of the literature on emancipatory education, work-integrated-learning, and neoliberalism in education
  • interviews conducted with BA Interns at the beginning and end of their internships, and their academic and site supervisors.



Dr Jessica Johnston

Project Leader

University of Canterbury




$9,804.00 (excl GST)

$9,804.00 Regional Hub Project Fund

Key Findings

The key findings from the project included:

  • The handbook is written for the busy academic staff member with the goal of integrating some work experience into their programme. It has been created to highlight the applicability of the Liberal Arts in todays’ economic system. It combines the theories of social analysis with the practical application of those theories in projects that have real-world consequences.
  • The handbook has been designed for those interested in working the theory/practice relationships within the Liberal Arts, dedicated to producing the citizen/scholar as socially-engaged professionals. It is based on, and advocates for, a Work-Integrated-Learning that promotes social transformation through the development of young professionals as engaged and active citizens. Drawing on the knowledge gained through courses within the Liberal Arts, interns apply their knowledge(s), adding value and distinctiveness to projects, to their degrees, and to their professional careers.
  • The handbook is structured so readers can pick and choose which section they are interested in pursuing: the philosophy of WIL; organisational structures of internships; course design to generate the citizen/scholar; working with site and academic advisers; marketing liberal arts internships in a neoliberal economic environment. Most topics include references to the Resources section of the handbook, where example handouts, guides, outlines and other material related to the topics are available.

Key Recommendations

The key recommendations and outcomes from the project included:

Combining theory and practice | This handbook adds a voice to the literature on both critical pedagogy and WIL, combining both theory and practice in order assist in the transformation of the perceived value of the liberal arts in a more humane and democratic society.

Aid for academic staff | The handbook and accompanying videos will help busy academic staff incorporate work-integrated-learning in a way that promotes social transformation through the development of graduates as engaged and active citizens.

Internship Handbook for the Liberal Arts: Integrating Emancipatory Education with Work Integrated Learning

A research report prepared by Jessica Johnston.

(PDF, 10.5 MB, 152-pages).

  • 2 December 2011
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The benefits of combining theory and practice

A YouTube video to be used with the Research report: Internship Handbook for the Liberal Arts: Integrating Emancipatory Education with Work Integrated Learning. Prepared by Jessica Johnston.

(YouTube, 1.18 mins, 360p).

  • 2 December 2011
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A vision of the student as citizen/scholar

A YouTube video to be used with the Research report: Internship Handbook for the Liberal Arts: Integrating Emancipatory Education with Work Integrated Learning. Prepared by Jessica Johnston.

(YouTube, 1.51 mins, 360p).

  • 2 December 2011
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Introduction to critical pedagogy and work-integrated learning in the 21st century

A YouTube video to be used with the Research report: Internship Handbook for the Liberal Arts: Integrating Emancipatory Education with Work Integrated Learning. Prepared by Jessica Johnston.

(YouTube, 3.20 mins, 360p).

  • 2 December 2011
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