
RESOURCE SET | Te reo Māori rerenga kōrero and waiata

Supporting learners, Educational outcomes, Māori learner success, Supporting staff, Teaching strategies, Mātauranga Māori, Māori learning/teaching pedagogies, Tikanga Māori, Te Reo Māori, Values-based learning, Kaupapa Māori Early childhood education
Published: 8 June 2023

This is a set of te reo Māori rerenga kōrero (everyday phrases) and waiata used within 27 curriculum areas and activities within the daily programme. One area provides insights and provokes Kaiako understandings of a range of tikanga Māori Principle(s) within the context of each of the 27 curriculum areas/activities.

27 Brochures created by:
Williams, Ngaroma. M. & Te Rongopatahi, Kari Moana. (2023):

ISBN: 978-1-98-856244-5

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

Individual brochures

  1. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Ātawhakaari – Intentional Drama Play.
  2. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: He aha te wā? What is the time?
  3. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: He wātaka - Calendar.
  4. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Kamura - Carpentry.
  5. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Kia rere to reo - Te reo Māori extensions.
  6. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Ngā Kare ā roto – Emotions & Feelings.
  7. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Ngā Kupumahi – Actions.
  8. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Ngā Pororākau - Blocks.
  9. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Ngā taonga o te Taiao – Natural Resources.
  10. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Papa Honohono - Puzzles.
  11. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Peita - Painting.
  12. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Peita Matimati – finger Painting.
  13. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Ngā mihi whakanui - Praises.
  14. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Rua Kirikiri - Sandpit.
  15. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Te Āhua o te Rangi - Weather.
  16. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Te Ara Taupare – Obstacle Course.
  17. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Te Noho Puni - Camping.
  18. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Te Toi Piripiri - Collage.
  19. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Tōku Whānau – My Family.
  20. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Tuhituhui – Drawing Writing.
  21. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Tunu Kai – Process Cooking.
  22. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Wā Kai – Kai Routines.
  23. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Wā Kua Tae Mai - Arrivals.
  24. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Wā Moe – Sleep Routines.
  25. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Wā Tīnihia i ngā Kope – Nappy Changing.
  26. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Wā Whakatā i ngā Kaiako – Kaiako Breaks.
  27. Ki te hoe – Indigenising Practice: Wā Whāriki – Mat Time.


Ki Te Hoe: Indigenising Practice

A project that focusses on honouring indigeneity within the mandated bicultural early childhood curriculum Te Whāriki (Ministry of Education, 1996, 2017).

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