
Teaching Adults to Write to Communicate | Using the Learning Progressions

Teaching strategies, Foundation education, Adult literacy, LLN, Literacy and numeracy skills, Learning Progressions
Published: 30 June 2008

This guide introduces and explains the ‘Write to Communicate’ strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Literacy. A practical how-to guide, it covers topics such as how to use the resource, assessment, as well as a range of guided teaching and learning activities to use in class.

The guide is part of a set of resources developed to support the teaching of literacy, language and numeracy for adult learners.

  • The goal is to enable tutors to meet the learning needs of adult learners so those learners can engage effectively with the texts, tasks and practices they encounter in their training and learning.
  • The guide is based on research into effective adult literacy education.
  • The suggestions in this guide are initial ideas only – they are aimed at helping tutors apply the Learning Progressions to existing course and learning materials.
  • It is expected that tutors will use, adapt and extend the ideas in this guide to meet the needs of learners and their own teaching situations.
  • On p. 27 of the guide there is an overview of the guided teaching and learning activities.
  • You can find the ‘Write to Communicate’ progressions in: Learning Progressions for Adult Literacy.

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Write to Communicate | Learning Progressions strand chart

Printable chart for educators to use showing the steps in the 'Write to Communicate' strand of the Learning Progressions for Adult Literacy.