
Te Tātua o Kahukura

Supporting learners, Māori learner success, Teaching strategies, Research Methodologies
Published: 7 November 2018

The final report of the Te Tātua o Kahukura project aims to understand the capacity building and career development needs of Māori and Indigenous early career scholars, using Kaupapa Māori research methodology and data collected through interviews, hui, and workshops, with a focus on sharing experiences and views to inform support programs in the tertiary sector.

ISBN: 978-0-947516-95-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-0-947516-94-9 (Online)


Te tātua o kahukura

Latest Ako Aotearoa research shows there are plenty of things tertiary institutions can do to help Māori doctoral students succeed. 

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Co-funded by

Ako Aotearoa’s
National Project Fund

Partnered with

The University of Waikato

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

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