
Advancing educational equity for neurodivergent learners and staff through systemic change and inclusive practices. 

May 2024 | Embracing Inclusivity: Introducing the Dyslexia-Friendly Quality Mark (DFQM)

This Manako briefing paper presents the DFQM, an innovative programme designed to foster inclusive education for dyslexic learners in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Briefing Paper | Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark (PDF, 171Kb)


About the briefing papers

These Briefing Papers have been prepared for the Minister of Tertiary Education and Skills and other key stakeholders.

They have been developed as part of our commitment to good practice in tertiary education. The papers offer insights into initiatives under our Manako programme that seek to enhance the capability of the tertiary teaching workforce to support the achievement of the educational and learner success priorities under the Tertiary Education Strategy.

Supporting Documents

Briefing paper

Manako Briefing Paper | Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark (DFQM)

This Manako briefing paper presents the DFQM, an innovative programme designed to foster inclusive education for dyslexic learners in Aotearoa New Zealand.

(PDF, 171 KB)

  • 17 July 2024

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