A group of educators engaged in a discussio


Addressing Racism in Tertiary Education | 7 Mar 2025

Event Details

This is a facilitated online workshop comprising one half-day session.

7 March 2025

9:00 am – 12:30 pm


$150 + GST Register

Gain understanding of personal, institutional and cultural racism and create a strategy for addressing racism in tertiary education in this interactive online workshop.

Who is this workshop for?

Anyone in TEOs wanting a basic understanding of racism and how it applies in tertiary education.

Topics covered

  • defining types of racism
  • clarification of terms associated with ‘racism’ such as stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination
  • history of racism generally and in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • examples of and responses to addressing racism in TEOs 

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this session, participants will:

  • explain the similarities and differences between personal, institutional and cultural racism
  • Discuss the historical and current context of racism in education in Aotearoa/New Zealand, especially but not only in relation to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • identify issues of racism in TEOs
  • Describe some strategies for addressing racism in tertiary education


Facilitator Christine Herzog

Christine Herzog

Christine has facilitated more than a thousand Treaty and related workshops, for central and local government departments and other large institutions, for community groups, and for the general public.  She has also undertaken consultancy and published numerous articles relating to application of the Treaty in organisations. She was a founding member of Auckland Project Waitangi and continues to be active in Tamaki Treaty Workers.

Christine supported Ngāti Tamaoho Trust, a Waiohua hapu, through eight years of their Treaty claims negotiations and is now kaiwhahaere of Te Tai-awa o te Ora Trust, a kaupapa Maori social services organisation based in South Auckland. She was recently added to the Ministry of Education’s list of approved providers of professional learning and development for cultural capability, which includes the Treaty of Waitangi.

Please read these Terms and Conditions before you register.


Ako Aotearoa

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