Enhancing Māori cultural capability
Four-week coursePrice
Email info@ako.ac.nz for organisation bookingsIn-depth, customised courses for organisations seeking to enhance their Māori cultural capability.
About the course
The course content will be targeted to your organisation’s needs, and can include a range of topics related to embedding Māori cultural values into your practice, for example:
- Ako (learning and teaching)
- Manaakitanga (care and consideration)
- Rangatiratanga (independence and decision-making)
- Whanaungatanga (relationships)
- Tatari (wait time)
- Wānanga (considered and respectful discussion)
- Wairuatanga (spirituality).
Course outline
Each course consists of a workshop, delivered face-to-face or online, followed by four-week facilitator support, which can include a second workshop.
During these four weeks participants will have the opportunity to practise and reflect on the new learning, and exchange experiences and ideas with each other and the facilitator.
Who is this course for?
This is an in-depth course for organisations seeking to enhance their Māori cultural capability. It is recommended for anyone working with or supporting Māori learners.
The course content will be planned with you and customised to your organisation's specific learning requirements.
About the facilitators
Charmaine Tukua - Ara | Te Pūkenga
Mauriora ki a tātou. Ko Taupiri, ko Aoraki ōku maunga. Ko Waikato, ko Waitaki ōku awa. Ko Tainui, ko Ngai Tahu ōku iwi. I tipu ake au ki Ōtautahi, Te Waipounamu.
Charmaine has been a Kai-Whakarite/ Pouako at Ara | Te Pūkenga for 20+ years with experience in Kaupapa Māori and adult education sectors as a pouako, curriculum developer, programme reviewer, researcher, and workshop facilitator.
Charmaine also works for Literacy Aotearoa and has had many roles as a professional learning developer, national trainer, assessor and moderator, focusing on Māori literacy, and adult literacy and numeracy. Charmaine has facilitated workshops and programmes for many organisations with a passion and focus on Te Ao Māori, Kaupapa Māori, Mātauranga Māori, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Kaupapa Māori Research, Māori mental health, and literacy and numeracy.
Dr Mei Winitana | Ako Aotearoa
Kia ora tātou katoa! He uri ahau i ngā iwi katoa o te waka o Mataatua, Ngāti Ruapani ki Waikaremoana, me Taranaki Whānui ki Waiwhetu. Tihei mauriora!
Mei is Kaiwhakahaere Mātauranga Māori at Ako Aotearoa, with extensive experience in the adult education sector. As a researcher, a resource developer and an experienced workshop facilitator, she works in several collaborative projects focusing on literacy, numeracy, and cultural capability for tertiary practitioners and educators; co-designing of iwi/tribal training and education plans; cultural strategic planning with organisations; development of a suite of Māori cultural capability resources with digital badges.
Free self-directed content
In addition to the live workshop, participants will have access to self-directed content available through the Ako Aotearoa Māori Cultural Capability Educator Pathway on Pathways Awarua. This complementary content will allow you to explore the topic in greater depth at your own pace and in your own time, reinforcing the practical skills and knowledge gained during the workshop.
Ako Aotearoa badges
Participants can earn Ako Aotearoa digital badges as evidence of participation and completion of course requirements
Please read these Terms and Conditions before registering for events.
Contact us to discuss options for booking a course on this topic for your organisation.
Taking that next step in your professional learning and development is easy with Ako Aotearoa. Everything is evidence-based, practical, high-quality, effective and sustainable.
Our range of PLD workshops and courses can be delivered online or face-to-face, many with digital badges awarded on completion:
- In-house Learning and Development
We can deliver in-house professional development targeted to your needs. For face-to-face options, we can come to you. Contact us to discuss your needs and budget. - Public Online Workshops
Register for one of our public workshops scheduled throughout the year. So many topics to choose from!