Introduction to the Pacific Cultural Centredness Pathway
Gain an understanding of the key values from the seven major Pacific nations in Aotearoa - Samoa, Fiji, Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, Tonga, and Tuvalu - and an appreciation of the unique values that define each one.
Enhancing Pacific Cultural Capability
This course builds on the learning in the Introduction to the Pacific Cultural Centredness Pathway course to lift the gaze above just greetings and pronunciations, to help align your approaches to each Pacific island group.
Pacific Cultural Centredness Pathway – independent, online learning
Help your Pacific learners achieve greater success by building your knowledge, confidence and cultural competency.
Le Va | Enhancing cultural safety
Financial Wellbeing | A Pacific Islands perspective
This interactive course introduces tools and strategies that you can share with your learners to help them make informed decisions about money, and to develop their financial planning skills.
Lalaga le fala Pasefika: Weaving cultural responsiveness to Pacific learners
Gain greater understanding of Pacific perspectives and explore a range of strategies and resources to assist you with more meaningful engagement with your Pasifika learners.
Educational practices that benefit Pacific learners
Learn how to support success for Pacific learners by changing the strategies used within whole organisations. Explore Pacific learner experiences and contexts in New Zealand tertiary education.
Taking that next step in your professional learning and development is easy with Ako Aotearoa. Everything is evidence-based, practical, high-quality, effective and sustainable.
Our range of PLD workshops and courses can be delivered online or face-to-face, many with digital badges awarded on completion:
- In-house Learning and Development
We can deliver in-house professional development targeted to your needs. For face-to-face options, we can come to you. Contact us to discuss your needs and budget. - Public Online Workshops
Register for one of our public workshops scheduled throughout the year. So many topics to choose from!