Exploring Ako workshop series

This series investigates six key principles for enhancing learner outcomes in tertiary education.

Participants are welcome to attend any combination of overview and elective workshops. Attending the overview workshop first will assist in choosing from the following electives, but is not required:

Knowing your ākonga 

  • The foundation for effective teaching and for all six principles, knowing your ākonga and the demands of your subject ensures learning remains accessible, relevant, targeted, and more likely to result in successful outcomes.

Interpersonal relationships

  • Kaiako can deepen ākonga subject understanding and application through developing whanaungatanga (close connections), self-belief, respectful dialogue and productive collaboration.

Knowing relevant practices

  • Evidence-based practices and ongoing evaluation encourage ākonga to engage actively with subject content and each other, and to challenge the thinking, fixed practices, or misunderstandings of both ākonga and kaiako.

Reflecting on active learning experiences

  • Reflection on experience allows ākonga to connect new information to pre-existing knowledge, and to share multiple viewpoints and experiences respectfully.

Constructive alignment

  • Motivation and wellbeing are enhanced for both ākonga and kaiako when there is clear alignment between intended learning outcomes, learning and teaching activities, and assessment.

Expectations, challenges and motivations

  • Shared high expectations and challenging tasks combined with targeted support are powerful motivations likely to result in successful ākonga growth and development.

There will be opportunities to reflect on successful practices in relation to your own teaching contexts, share successes with others and motivate each other to implement new strategies. 

Contact us to book an in-house course on this topic for your workplace.

This series of workshops is designed to support the aims of the Ako Aotearoa project Ako Explored – Six principles for enhancing learner outcomes in tertiary education

Who is this workshop series for?

The workshop series is suitable for kaiako across the tertiary sector. Participants may be new to teaching, or looking for an opportunity to refresh their strategies for successful teaching and learning outcomes.

About the facilitator

Facilitator Jane Terrell

Jane Terrell

BA (English and German), Graduate Diploma in Secondary Teaching, Cambridge Certificate in TEFL, Masters in Educational Administration (Hons), Certified Mindfulness Teacher. 


Jane is an independent educational facilitator with experience across the tertiary sector and most recently in work-based learning.

She is dedicated to ensuring educational success for under-prepared ākonga groups, with a particular focus on interactive, dialogue approaches. These are underpinned by her commitment to “ako”, teaching and learning as a reciprocal process, and by her awareness of education as anthropology.

Jane has worked in a wide range of tertiary education and industry contexts. These include wānanga, university, Te Pukenga, PTEs, workplaces in NZ and Austria, and the tourism industry in Vietnam.

Digital badges

Kaiako will receive a digital badge for participation and will be strongly encouraged to form an ongoing Community of Practice.

Kaiako can receive a second digital badge, after at least three months, for providing evidence of the implementation of new principles and professional sharing of practices, and the impact of these on outcomes for ākonga.


Please read these Terms and Conditions before registering for events.


Taking that next step in your professional learning and development is easy with Ako Aotearoa. Everything is evidence-based, practical, high-quality, effective and sustainable.

Our range of PLD workshops and courses can be delivered online or face-to-face, many with digital badges awarded on completion:

  1. In-house Learning and Development
    We can deliver in-house professional development targeted to your needs. For face-to-face options, we can come to you. Contact us to discuss your needs and budget.
  2. Public Online Workshops
    Register for one of our public workshops scheduled throughout the year. So many topics to choose from!