How to Apply

Request for Research Project Proposal | Ako Aotearoa Research and Innovation Agenda – Contestable Funding Round 2024

The 2024 AARIA contestable funding round has closed. 

We aim to notify the successful applicants by the end of July 2024

The 2024 request for proposals aims to contribute to systems change for the tertiary education sector and more equitable learner outcomes by inviting proposals for innovative, ako centred projects. We are interested in potential solutions, improved ākonga and kaiako support mechanisms and teaching and learning strategies and programmes that contribute to:

  • equitable outcomes for Māori, Pacific and disabled ākonga
  • a response to current global and local issues of import e.g. climate change, technological advances for instance A.I. and online learning
  • improved systems and processes to support best practice tertiary education that focus on whole of organisational leadership and change to deliver the outcomes above, including organisational culture and design, the use of data to support planning and action and review, and the connection between the organisation and its wider partners (such as iwi, industry and community).

Ako Aotearoa is seeking proposals that align with our 2024 AARIA Priorities (detailed below).

Value: $10,000 - $50,000 over the term of the contract
Duration: 5 months – 12 months
Total funding pool: $298,400

Download the Request for Research Project Proposals

Key Dates

The funding round opened Tuesday 16 April 2024

Full Proposal submissions closed 5pm, Friday 14 June 2024 

We aim to notify the successful applicants by the end of July 2024


Read the 2024 AARIA Workplan for further information, or check the AARIA Frequently asked questions (FAQ) page

If the answer to your question cannot be found here, or on our 'FAQ' page, please feel free to contact Dr. Marvin Hao Wu (


2024 AARIA Priorities

We expect all applicants to align their research proposals with all of our four broader priorities, and at least with one of our targeted priorities, which are a key factor in our selection criteria. We encourage combining several targeted priorities into one research project.

Ako Aotearoa 2024 Broader Priorities

  • Ōritetanga (Equity) | Achieving system-wide equity for all ākonga, including Māori, Pacific, neurodiverse, disabled, youth, and learners from low-income backgrounds.
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi) | Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi through tertiary education, including Te Reo provision, Kaupapa Māori education, Mātauranga Māori provision.
  • Auaha (Innovation) | Responding to changes in education, especially developments in technology (eg: Artificial Intelligence), innovative and flexible programmes which can support the immediate needs of ākonga, tertiary education system such as Te Pūkenga and the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE), and work-based learning.
  • Hua Akoranga (Learner Outcomes) | Education and training that delivers for all learners, including supporting work readiness of all learners, online and distance learning options meets the needs of all learners, providing learning opportunities for people who wish to change careers.

Ako Aotearoa 2024 Targeted Priorities

  • Neurodiversity
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi)
  • Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge)
  • Pacific Cultures
  • Leadership and Management Training
  • Reflective Practice
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Education Technology


Applications must:

  1. Be made by an Aotearoa New Zealand-based tertiary education organisation (TEO)[1] or a New Zealand citizen / resident employed by an Aotearoa New Zealand-based TEO.
  2. Be for research or related activities, the majority of which are to be undertaken in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  3. Research and related activities are required to completely focus on Aotearoa New Zealand tertiary education. Proposals targeting on the compulsory sector (eg: secondary schools) are not eligible, even if the proposed research result can contribute to tertiary education.

[1] Definition:


Ako Aotearoa and our own independent Board will make the funding decisions based on the quality and creativity of the research content.

We expect all applicants to align their research proposals with all of our four broader priorities, and at least with one of our targeted priorities, which are a key factor in our selection criteria. We encourage combining several targeted priorities into one research project.

Our Broader priorities are high-level funding priorities that bring together the strategic aims of Ako Aotearoa. Our Targeted priorities identify specific areas of research, learning, and teaching provision that we want to see growth or change in the year ahead. 

Nevertheless, we consider quality research outcomes above all and will consider provision outside targeted priority areas if it meets the broader priorities, and there is sufficient evidence of stakeholder demand.

Supporting Documents

2024 Funding Guidelines

Ako Aotearoa Research and Innovation Workplan 2024

This plan articulates how the Ako Aotearoa Research and Innovation Agenda (AARIA) is to be operationalised. This programme of work builds from the research programme Ako Aotearoa has had in place since its inception and serves as part of the organisation’s wider remit to support tertiary teaching and learning.

(PDF, 361 KB)

  • 16 April 2024

Funding Proposal form

Ako Aotearoa | 2024 AARIA Proposal Form

This template is intended to act as a tool to help research teams work through the set up and design phases of  research/innovation/resource development projects. It uses a series of questions to help generate the full research plan on which a contract will be based.

(DOCX, 78 KB)

  • 15 April 2024


NZ Standard CV template

The New Zealand Standard Curriculum Vitae Template, to be used by the Lead Researcher in the project team. 

(DOCX, 29 KB)

  • 15 April 2024


Ako Aotearoa's Impact Evaluation Framework

This framework (IEF) is a tool developed to measure Ako Aotearoa’s impact on the tertiary education system of New Zealand.

(PDF, 224 KB)

  • 12 September 2021


Ako Aotearoa Research and Innovation Agenda Fund | Request for research project proposal

This Request seeks to contribute to systems change for the tertiary education sector and more equitable learner outcomes by inviting proposals for innovative, ako-centered projects.

(PDF, 173 KB)

  • 16 April 2024


AARIA Presentation 9 May 2024

Slides from the Ako Aotearoa Research and Innovation Agenda (AARIA) presentation by Dr. Marvin Hao Wu on 9 May 2024.

(PDF, 1.5 MB)

  • 9 May 2024

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About the AARIA Fund

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AARIA Frequently Asked Questions

On this page are some of the Frequently asked questions regarding AARIA co-funding proposals.