Dr Lisa Emerson
Prime Minister’s Supreme Award recipient 2008
Also award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Senior Lecturer, School of English and Media Studies, Massey University
Lisa has been engaged in tertiary education for 19 years and has an exceptional track record of teaching both within her own discipline and in communications to science and technology students. She opens her portfolio by stating, “It is my great privilege and joy to be a teacher of writers”.
Lisa focuses her teaching philosophy on each student as an individual, developing learning communities for all classes, whether face-to-face or extramural, “where each student can share their work in a safe, dynamic environment”. The variety and breadth of teaching and assessment Lisa uses are impressive, with her commitment evident in all she does.
Many people have benefited from Lisa’s “Interactive Grammar!” e-learning tool and the open website for creative writers called “The Writery” which won the “People’s Choice web award in 2004: just one of the many prestigious awards and grants Lisa has received during her career. Colleagues and peers comment on Lisa’s sustained leadership and professionalism, “Her efforts and successes are outstanding”. Students recognise a teacher of excellence, “This paper was perfect…Lisa Emerson deserves accolades!”