Selene Mize
Prime Minister’s Supreme Award recipient 2009
Passion for the law coupled with a deep commitment to teaching underpins Selene Mize’s exceptional practice. Selene is an excellent teacher who designs learning that engages and stretches students.
"I discovered a love for teaching based on the joy of seeing students grow and develop."
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Jean Crane
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Jean is highly supportive of her colleagues and also works extensively with external service agencies for the benefit of her students and their communities.
"I work closely with them to support and encourage them as they each embark on their own wonderful journey of discovery."
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Paul Denny
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Paul has been teaching computer programming since 1999, and his teaching is characterised by its creativity and innovation plus genuine empathy for students.
"I believe that involving students in community oriented activities, in which they are responsible for creating and sharing learning resources, is an effective way to promote deep learning."
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Dr Rachel Fewster
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Rachel’s students appreciate her ability to transform potentially dry and mundane numbers into something relevant and practical.
"The environment of learning is crucial to success."
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Sam Honey
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Sam’s teaching is characterised by her caring, empowering relationship with her students, and this has a deeply lasting impact on their careers and self-belief.
"My passion and purpose is to inspire students to achieve their goals, ensure they believe in themselves, and develop a drive for continual personal growth."
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Dr Heather Kavan
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Heather works hard to create a positive environment, help students explore new possibilities and learn from constructive feedback.
"For me, stories are the best way of humanising concepts. They also ignite interest, make information memorable, and help me create a bond with students."
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Judy Magee
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Judy Magee’s love of science and her practical application of these disciplines are touchstones of this highly motivated and excellent teacher.
"Satisfaction for me occurs when students take their first of many significant steps along the road of lifelong learning."
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Associate Professor Christopher Marshall
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Chris lists six principles which guide his teaching: presence, conviction, content, respect for students, preparation and delivery.
"After almost a quarter century of teaching I am still amazed by how different every class group is, and how distinct each lecture performance is, even when repeating familiar material."
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Norman Meehan
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Norman is very clear about his approach to teaching. He wants to “help students really understand music and develop their own ideas about it”.
"I think if students can formulate their own questions, then in the true jazz tradition, they’ll find their own stuff. I can’t ask for more than that."
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Professor Eric Pawson
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
He is committed to student-centred learning and as a reflective teaching practitioner his aim is that as his students become more experienced they will become increasingly confident learners.
"My preoccupation is not with what people learn, or how much information they retain. It is with how they learn, how they think, and how our encounter might help them to make more sense of their own worlds."
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