Dr Zoe Jordens
Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching
Lecturer, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Massey University
"Interaction of the individual, the activity and the environment".
Zoe enjoys sharing the thrill she gets from meeting the investigative challenges presented by medical microbiology, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. 'My students learn to be laboratory scientists by doing what laboratory scientists do.'
An active researcher in science education, she has successfully pioneered inquiry-led learning within her department and her students respond to the challenge. As one second year student commented, 'The way the lab is set up is very helpful in teaching how to take initiative and use critical thinking skills as opposed to strictly following directions.' By moving her papers away from an emphasis on content, Zoe encourages her students to think like scientists: 'I teach less content so that students learn more.'
Students also appreciate that Zoe builds their self-confidence as learners and supports them as individuals: 'I kind of like the way from really early on Zoe knew all our names and she talked to us like we were people not …. just … random students.' Under Zoe’s guidance classes become true learning communities.