Bryony James

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and materials engineering, The University of Auckland

"Bryony shares her knowledge with enthusiasm, clarity and great intuition for how her learners learn". 

Bryony James’s students love her passion, her enthusiasm and her commitment to their learning. She grabs their attention when she points a lit blowtorch at her hand and keeps them engaged with her challenging field by using visual demonstrations involving such things as swords and students who become nickel and copper atoms! 
Students are encouraged to write questions on post-it notes and stick them on the doors of the lecture theatre as they leave, thus providing her with instant feedback and a starting point for the next lecture. 
Bryony believes she has one of the best jobs in the world because she teaches bright students and conducts research on chocolate, cheese and wine and says: “not everyone will fall in love with my subject, but it won’t be for the want of enthusiasm. Not everyone will remember all I teach, but it won’t be for want of clarity. And no-one will be left wondering ‘where does this stuff fit?’” The only change students ask to see in her teaching is to have more lectures by Bryony.