James Paterson

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Senior academic staff member, School of business, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic

"James connects learners to concepts and theories in ways that are visually captivating, humorous and highly engaging". 

James Paterson’s philosophy of teaching is framed around Freire’s approach, that “educating involves a passion to know that should engage us in a loving search for knowledge”. James’ goal is to develop activities that generate high levels of student involvement in the learning process. For his marketing classes he designs learning experiences outside the classroom where students have the opportunity to confirm their career pathways.
James’ desire to support the learning of his students means he is frequently found in the library getting to know his students and helping them catch up on their work. He also endeavours to assist their learning by introducing relevant examples in his teaching. The students appreciate this and say that “James always relates concepts and theories back to individual student’s backgrounds”. 
His learning environment is described as “visually captivating, humorous and highly engaging”. He is actively involved with the local business community and brings this connection into the classroom. His passion and commitment to great teaching means he is in demand to support the professional development of other polytechnic staff.