Dr Eleanor Hawe

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Senior Lecturer, School of Learning, Development and Professional Practice, The University of Auckland

“Teaching can be demanding and challenging, but the rewards for those involved are far-reaching.”

Eleanor is a highly reflective practitioner who places the learner firmly at the centre of her teaching.  Her practice strongly reflects the principles which she espouses:  learners working together with teachers and peers to enhance on-going learning and promote student autonomy. “She models what she preaches as she caters for the differentiated learning of all students.” Her consistently outstanding student feedback is especially noteworthy as the majority of her students are experienced teachers and school principals. “Eleanor unfailingly facilitates high levels of student engagement and success, and creates an environment where students take ownership and responsibility for their learning.”

Eleanor’s impact reaches well beyond her classroom, not only because of her excellence in the classroom, but also through her publications, conference presentations and the professional development courses which she facilitates for teachers. “Eleanor’s teaching is a model for meeting expectations in a way that works for adult learners, extending their experience so that they may change their practice for the betterment of their learners.”

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Dr Eleanor Hawe - Recipient of a 2015 Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award