Dr Roslyn Kemp

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Senior Lecturer, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Otago

“I aspire to be a teacher who imparts confidence, creativity and wisdom to the next generation of scientists.”


“With clarity and coolness of mind she leads her troops on the scientific battlefield, pushing for greatness at every opportunity.  Without her leadership, support and friendship this would have been a most gruelling, and likely failed, expedition” – a PhD student acknowledges Roslyn’s pivotal role in his successful learning journey.  Roslyn inspires, motivates and empowers students to graduate as skilled, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, high quality scientists; not just “someone with a science degree”.

Roslyn’s excitement and enthusiasm is obvious, she strives to ignite the science spark in her students.  Her teaching approach is student-centred and she finds new and fun ways to engage students by keeping the learning relevant and exciting.  Roslyn works hard supporting her students and they excel beyond their own expectations.  Some have won awards for research and presentations at national and international workshops and conferences.  Roslyn is a positive role model for her students, “You carry so much joy, energy and excitement.  It is inspirational and I just want to step up to be more like you”.

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Roslyn Kemp - 2015 Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Award Recipient