Dr Azra Moeed

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Victoria University of Wellington

“What I have learnt from the students has helped me to become a better teacher.”

“She makes science sing” a student comments while another writes, ”she guided me through exactly what I wanted or needed to know at that very moment – valuable for not just the subject but across the whole course and in wider life too.” This is the hallmark of a passionate, committed and knowledgeable teacher of a subject that for many can be seen as uninteresting.

Azra is a lifelong learner and this is demonstrated by the depth of her knowledge. Her productive relationships with students and colleagues are matched by her innovative course design. She wrote an online science teacher programme that used specially made videos and audio resources with interactive and collaborative student activities. Colleagues describe her as “an exceptionally dedicated and inspiring teacher who constantly receives outstanding teacher evaluations.”

Azra’s great passion for students, research, colleagues, and learning and teaching extends well beyond the classroom and touches the very heart of her students in a meaningful way. She is a truly worthy recipient of this prestigious award.

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Dr Azra Moeed - Recipient of a 2016 Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award