Dr Margaret Brunton

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Associate Professor, School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing, Massey University

“To me, successful and fulfilling education should foster the process of thinking, thus highlight the utter joy (and sometimes pain) of lifelong learning.”

For 15 years Margaret has inspired students in the field of communication.  Students say she is “hugely approachable and supportive”, “very accessible and sets students up to succeed”, “really competent and challenging” and “committed to excellence”.  This transformational educator states, “responsiveness to student learning is at the fulcrum of everything I believe a teacher should be”. Her teaching record certainly supports that.  Central to Margaret’s philosophy of teaching is giving students the freedom to “speak with their own voice and advance their own self-belief and skills for self-development”.

Her research in the competencies and abilities of communication graduates effectively informs what happens in the learning environments she creates.  She is an avid developer of electronic learning media with pedagogical approaches that reach out and engage students as individual learners.

Margaret is revered by students for the difference she makes in their lives. Her consistent achievement of 100% satisfaction-ratings by students over the last five years clearly shows an educator that goes the extra mile for students.

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Dr Margaret Brunton - Recipient of a 2016 Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Award