Matthew Thompson

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Senior Lecturer, Architecture, Building and Engineering, Otago Polytechnic

“I am to make a difference to the lives of students; especially those who have not excelled at school but in the right environment can fulfil their potential.”

Matthew is a teacher who finds joy in using his twenty years of carpentry experience to build good foundations for future builders. He teaches from Pre-Trade Certificate through to the National Certificate in Construction. His is strongly committed to the transformative power of education. His work with Milton prisoners is inspirational and challenging; it supports people to change their lives. His methods spark the flame of knowledge. One learner writes, “Matt makes learning easy for us in a way that motivates us to come for more learning.  Matt is inspiring – always."

He has developed a program that is relevant, challenging and smoothly integrates modern technology to ensure students graduate with the skills they need. A colleague writes, “Matt is a reflective practitioner. He always seeks new challenges and engages in research and helps lead change”. Assessments such as e-portfolios show student learning while providing useful reflective tools for growth and peer review. Ultimately, Matthew is a highly skilled, enthusiastic teacher who genuinely cares about students’ success.

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Matthew Thompson - Recipient of a 2016 Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award