Professor Darryl Tong

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Department of Oral Diagnostics and Surgical Sciences, University of Otago

“I am entrusted to inspire young people to learn and develop into thinking and caring health professionals.”

Darryl trained in dentistry, medicine and surgery to become a maxillofacial (face and jaw) surgeon. To him, teaching is a privilege and a difficult job to do well. Yet, through 16 years of teaching he has nurtured, engaged and empowered students. He has honed his teaching to be effective when ‘engaging the masses’ through lectures, connecting with students in small group tutorials and facilitating ‘learning by doing’ during clinical blocks. His planning, design and assessment of learning incorporate contemporary pedagogy with the demanding challenges of assisting students to succeed in clinical settings.

Darryl’s inspirational teaching is supported by testimonials from present and past students and colleagues. Feedback from a 2015 Batchelor of Dental Surgery student includes:  “Darryl is one of those exceptional people that creates possibilities in the minds of his students beyond anything they believed they could achieve”. Another writes, “He makes me engage in his lectures, through his questions, jokes and awesome stories”. A colleague reviewing Daryll’s teaching observes, “The fact that his lectures are experience and evidence-based makes them highly believable to a sceptical audience”.

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Professor Darryl Tong - Recipient of a 2016 Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award