Huia Tomlins-Jahnke, Mari Ropata-Te Hei, Nadell Karatea-Kokiri, Hona Black, Te Rina (Krystal) Warren and Rahera Filiata
Te Whatu Kairangi Award | Kaupapa Māori Group
World class educators honouring Te Tiriti
The group from Te Pūtahi-a-Toi | The School of Māori Knowledge | Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa | Massey University includes:
- Professor Huia Tomlins-Jahnke
- Mari Ropata-Te Hei
- Nadell Karatea-Kokiri
- Hona Black
- Te Rina (Krystal) Warren
- Rahera Filiata

Group members (left to right): Mari Ropata-Te Hei, Rahera Filiata, Huia Tomlins-Jahnke, Nadell Karatea-Kokiri, Te Rina (Krystal) Warren and (insert) Hona Black.
The work of this highly skilled and respected group of experienced educators represents a reclamation space which is critical to the ongoing advancement of both kura kaupapa Māori and indeed Mātauranga Māori.
Built by those involved in the tertiary sector and in kaupapa Māori and Mātauranga Māori since the 80’s, their work is co-constructed in a way that recognises community expertise that is otherwise not available within the university. Their expertise is highly sought after in Aotearoa and around the world, with strong connections to other Indigenous educators and groups.
As the only Te Aho Matua ITE programmes in Aotearoa, the two kaupapa Māori immersion Initial Teacher Education programmes they lead are unique (Te Aho Tātairangi and Te Aho Paerewa). In addition, the enduring university/community-based partnership they share with Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori, is an exemplar “model for global Indigenous education”.
This group provides an important model of leadership in terms of what can be achieved in the university context despite ongoing political struggle and a history of colonial oppression. The impact of their students on tamariki Māori, on the future of te reo Māori, and on Aotearoa, cannot be underestimated.