Jone Tawaketini

Te Whatu Kairangi Award | Le Moana Mua

A champion for the Pacific voice, to empower and support Pacific learners

Jone Tawaketini is a Senior Lecturer, School of Computing, Electrical and Applied Technology at Unitec

Jone’s contribution to his discipline shows a genuine love for Pacific learner excellence. His students in the Bachelor of Applied Technology are a mixed ethnic group including New Zealand-born/raised, Pacific islanders (NZPI) and international students from the Pacific Islands of Samoa, Tonga, Niue, Cook Islands, Tuvalu, and Tokelau, Fiji-i-taukei, PNG, and Vanuatu. He gets to know them all individually and appreciates their cultural capital as unique people.

He is truly a phenomenal educator who champions the Pacific voice and continues to grow staff capability and capacity to empower and support Pacific learners. Fostering authentic relationships with them has allowed his learners to see themselves as experts in their chosen field. 

One Pacific student says, “Jone's unwavering support and dedication helped me navigate difficult times and complete my degree.”

Introducing student-driven activities that championed Pacific learner cultural identity through kava and talanoa has empowered them to plan accordingly for their own success long after they leave Unitec.

He not only motivates them and instills good working habits by role modellling, but creates a sense of belonging and invites academic and pastoral support service staff to join team building with his learners too.

The Head of School states, “Our school is very grateful to Jone, his dedication to supporting and leading in Pacific ākonga is exceptional.”