Project Details

A half day colloquium held in honour of Susan Patrick, 2016 Eisenhower Fellow on the occasion of her visit to Wellington in June 2016. The event adopted the format of ten, 10-minute presentations by different educational professionals on topics of their choice relating to the theme of competency-based learning and assessment.

A range of inter-related themes came out of the presentations and subsequent discussion that identified key areas of attention in current practice and/or future intention. These were:

  • maintaining a learner focus - value to the learner, learner confidence
  • methodologies in a changing world - assessment methodologies, workplace relevance, technology in assessment, evidence, communities of practice, assessment for learning
  • supporting diversity - cultural values and contextualisation, equity, fairness
  • supporting progression to further study and employment - pathways, student records of achievement
  • dissonance at the system level - outcomes focus, investment approach, systems architecture
  • tutor and organisational capability
  • recognising quality.

The proceedings and presentations from this event can be found in the Outputs tab.




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Key Findings

Key Recommendations

Proceedings of the colloquium on competency-based learning and assessment

This publication summarises the proceedings of a half day, by invitation colloquium held in honour of Susan Patrick, 2016 Eisenhower Fellow on the occasion of her visit to Wellington in June 2016.

  • 8 June 2016
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Enhancing our capacity for competency-based learning assessment with the Youth Guarantee Framework

Community Colleges NZ's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 161 KB, 7-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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Assessing competency in a situated learning setting - a balancing act

Rod Bentham's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 67KB, 5-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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Recognition of prior learning - a case study

Competency International Ltd's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 1018KB, 7-Pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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Workplace-based recognition of prior learning - a case study

Marilyn Brady's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 1MB, 10-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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(K)new approaches to learning and assessment

Anthony Campbell's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 2.5MB, 7-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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Competency based learning and assessment: Starting points assessment options

Ben Gardiner's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 456KB, 6-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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Competency-based training project: Village court officials and land mediators: Papua New Guinea

Jenny Grainger's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 5.3MB, 14-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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Reaching consensus about the standard

Andrew Kear's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 2.3MB, 23-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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Trades in education and the impact of technology

Kamuka Pati's presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 2.6MB, 18-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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Relevance coherence clarity: Developing New Zealand's vocational pathways

Josh Williams' presentation from the Competency-based learning and assessment colloquium 2016.

(PDF, 1.8MB, 13-pages)

  • 8 June 2016
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