Project Details

A project to develop a new degree preparation programme to address the reduction of Level 4 bridging programmes in the Wellington region. A joint initiative involving Weltec, Whitireia New Zealand and Victoria University of Wellington.


The project aimed to develop:

  • a shared regional approach to pathways into degree study, including articulation agreements between providers
  • a new unified qualification for learners preparing for degree level study that prepared them for study in different contexts at different providers.


The project's methodology included:

  • a literature review of the key requisite competencies for degree level study
  • a survey of existing pathways and bridging qualifications.



Gail Kirkland

Project Leader

victoria university

Elizabeth M. Chinlund

Victoria University of Wellington
victoria university

Alistair Shaw

Victoria University of Wellington

Mary Manderson

Whitireia New Zealand

Peter Appleby

Whitireia New Zealand

James McKay

Teaching Quality Project Leader
victoria university

Karen Davis

Victoria University of Wellington




$26,550.00 (excl GST)

$26,550.00 National Project Fund

Key Findings

  • The research found the need for a pathways for students for whom secondary school may not be a sufficient indicator of their potential for tertiary study such as students from lower decile schools or Māori and Pasifika students.
  • International studies revealed that many students, who accessed education through alternative pathways, if well prepared, did as well as those from traditional routes.
  • A range of factors need to be addressed within any degree preparation programme.
  • A student’s engagement, as well as psychological and social readiness were factors.
  • Course content and the pedagogical approach were other factors.
  • The specific dimensions of readiness included cognitive strategies, content knowledge, self-management and contextual or institutional awareness.

Key Recommendations

Develop a new degree preparation programme | Design the programme to include flexible delivery options, the integration of preparatory content with subject-specific learning outcomes, skills embedded into academic content and recognition that transition to higher study involves an acculturation process.

Focus on the application process | Ensure the application process includes some assessment of the appropriateness of the qualification for the student’s learning needs and facilitates a learner-focussed approach.

Focus on content | Ensure programme content includes psychological, social and subject-driven preparatory content and requisite tertiary skills.

Recognise the importance of self-directed learning | It is important students develop effective self-management, learning discipline, persistence and proven study strategies (cognitive and metacognitive) to succeed with their further study.

Consider course motivation | Encourage students to consider their academic motivation, goal commitment and aspirations and how these are linked to further tertiary study.

Regional collaborative development of a degree preparation programme.

A report prepared by Elizabeth M. Chinlund and Alistair Shaw of Victoria University of Wellington.

(PDF, 778 KB, 70-pages).

  • 6 November 2011
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