Project Details

The project seeks to develop Te Tiriti e-learning modules, comprising five segments (introduction, why was the Treaty written, what does it say, what went wrong and the Treaty today) covering distinct aspects.

The initiative addresses perennial issues in Treaty education by providing a comprehensive online resource. It aligns with the broader goal of enhancing foundational skills and reducing barriers to education.


Create a robust e-learning equivalent to a 3-hour in-person course, offering flexibility for individual learners and Treaty educators engaged in blended learning. The project aims to overcome challenges identified in past initiatives, accommodating the evolving educational landscape and heightened public interest in Te Tiriti.


The approach involves developing self-directed online modules with consultation from Treaty education colleagues for peer review. The team includes a programmer with e-learning experience, a graphic artist, and voice actors. The production process includes user testing and reporting to Ako Aotearoa for feedback. Risk mitigation focuses on making informed decisions regarding technology and budget, leveraging the expertise of the team.


Te Tai awa o te Ora

Christine Herzog

Project Co-Lead

Te Tai-awa o te Ora
Ako Staff Profile Ruth Peterson

Ruth Peterson

Project Co-Lead

Ako Aotearoa


In progress


$70,000.00 (excl GST)

$20,000.00 Te Tai Awa o Te Ora
$50,000.00 Ako Aotearoa


Informed by over forty years of practical experience and active participation in Treaty education networks, the project builds upon prior attempts, considering advancements in technology. A preliminary literature review supports the potential effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of learner outcomes and cost efficiency.


Anticipated outcomes include increased access to Treaty education, improved delivery quality, and cost-effective dissemination. Success will be gauged through user feedback and a comparison of production costs against anticipated participant numbers over three years, as opposed to in-person delivery costs for the same audience.

Resource collection

Māori Learner Success - Cultural Capability Resources

Information and resources related to cultural capability in adult literacy and numeracy education. Covers topics such as using Māori pedagogies and culturally-responsive teaching and learning methods, including the model of mātauranga Māori by Professor Mason Durie known as Te Whare Tapa Whā.

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Treaty of Waitangi Education Kit

Teaching guides and resources to support the provision of Treaty of Waitangi education in the tertiary sector. The Kit includes 24 Treaty activities.

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Resource Collection

Māori Learner Success - external resource collection

A series of selected external articles and resources relating to Māori learner success. Includes articles relating to the Treaty of Waitangi and te reo Māori education.

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