
Diagnosing Dyslexia

Supporting learners, Educational outcomes, Teaching strategies, Adult and community education, Literacy and numeracy skills
Published: 26 October 2012

A video resource that supports the teaching and learning resource: Dyslexia, How Do I Know if My Learner Has Dyslexia? and the book: Dyslexia Decoded. What It Is, What It Isn't and What You Can Do About It.

Related Content

Dyslexia How do I know if my learner has dyslexia


TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCE | Dyslexia, How Do I Know if My Learner Has Dyslexia?

A resource explaining how dyslexia can be identified.

Dyslexia Decoded


Dyslexia Decoded: What it is, what it isn't, and what you can do about it

A book on dyslexia prepared for the Tertiary Education Commission by Dr Sue Dymock and Professor Tom Nicholson.

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Resource collection

Dyslexia - Adult Literacy and Numeracy Resources

Information and resources related to teaching adults with dyslexia. Covers topics such as what dyslexia is, how it can be identified, how it can affect people and what support can be put in place by educators.