Error analysis resource

Error Analysis | Return on investment Step 1

Teaching strategies, Effective pedagogies, LNAAT, Adult numeracy, Effective teaching
Published: 1 May 2024

Effective solutions to common numeracy issues

This card introduces a common error that learners make and provides ideas for teaching strategies that may help educators design highly effective learning sessions that develop learners’ understanding.

How to use this resource 

The front of the card contains a common error that your learners may be making. Take some time to think about reasons why the learner might be making this mistake. There are some prompts on the back of the card.

Next, you can progress to Step 2 | Why is the learner making the mistake?. This section provides a research-based explanation of the conceptual misunderstanding that underpins the mistake. 

Once you have understood why the learner is making the mistake progress to Step 3 | The teaching and learning sequence. This will provide a research-based approach that you can use with the learner. 

Jenny's error

Jenny signed up for an investment workshop to improve her financial literacy. During the workshop she was asked to decide which of the two investments below were the most profitable.

  1. Frank invested $20 and got back $80.
  2. Sue invested $60 and got back $120.

Jenny replied that both investments were the same, because they both made the same amount of money.

What misunderstanding has led to Jenny’s conclusion?

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Error analysis return on investment card

Return on investment Step 2 | Why is the learner making this mistake?

This section provides a research-based explanation of the conceptual misunderstanding that underpins the mistake.

Error analysis return on investment card

Return on investment Step 3 | Research-based teaching and learning sequence

Activities to assist learners to develop multiplicative understanding. This teaching and learning sequence will provide a research-based approach that you can use with the learner.

Error analysis return on investment card

Return on investment Step 4 | Resources and research

Further research and resources on developing multiplicative thinking. Part of a resource collection designed to make the most of learner mistakes.