Online course
In-house workshop | Dyscalculia – Supporting learner success
Adult numeracy,
Learning differences,
Teaching strategies,
Trades training,
Adult and community education,
Literacy and numeracy skills
An in-depth, customised course for organisations to explore effective strategies for working with dyscalculic learners.
Facilitated by Dr Damon Whitten.
This course includes two online workshops, and an optional, four-week, facilitated support module. The module takes a minimum of 1-2 hours of engagement per week.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- describe what dyscalculia is
- understand the key difficulties dyscalculic adults have with numeracy
- apply strategies in your teaching practice to support dyscalculic adults
- use a range of resources in a targeted and contextualised way to support and develop learners' skills.
This study investigated the challenges faced by dyscalculic adults in New Zealand and contains recommendations for the Tertiary Sector to help support learners with Dyscalculia.
Co-funded by
Ako Aotearoa’s
Ako Aotearoa Research and Innovation Agenda (AARIA)
Partnered with
Organisation contribution