In the starting blocks | Scoping the experiences, vulnerabilities, and potentials of dyscalculic adult learners in Aotearoa New Zealand
This study explored the life experiences of dyscalculic adults in New Zealand with the aim to shed some light on their often-unseen challenges and vulnerabilities.
This report outlines recommendations that can be implemented in the tertiary sector - including the development of a New Zealand Dyscalculia Knowledge Hub, and the development of educational policy to support professional development in the domain of dyscalculia.
This study has also identified several research areas that would be valuable to explore in the future.
Researcher | Dr Damon Whitten
ISBN Print | 978-1-98-856254-4
ISBN Online | 978-1-98-856253-7
Published | November 2024
This study investigated the challenges faced by dyscalculic adults in New Zealand and contains recommendations for the Tertiary Sector to help support learners with Dyscalculia.
Co-funded by
Ako Aotearoa’s
Ako Aotearoa Research and Innovation Agenda (AARIA)
Partnered with
Organisation contribution