A Māori perspective for embedding literacy and numeracy within adult education programmes
Completed: 16 September 2013
Project Details
A project completed in 2013, undertaken by Tumanako Global Leadership, to develop a resource describing the training experiences of adult educators who attended workshops aimed at embedding literacy and numeracy in courses designed for Māori learners.
The main aim of the project is to provide information and research verifying the increase of both retention and achievement for Māori and other students through the utilisation of Tumanako methodology for embedding literacy and numeracy in adult education programmes.
This resource is based on individual interviews with 20 educators who participated in the Tumanako methodology of embedding literacy and numeracy in adult education programmes.
Nga Taake – The Method:
- the interview process was on average an hour long
- each interview began and ended with a karakia
- each interviewee was asked to envisage the journey of their particular training: the highlights, fellow trainees, kaumatua, kai and marae and Māori learning environment
- the pictures and stories of the training were then discussed
- feedback, further clarification and in some cases professional mentoring tips were given to the educators at the end
- every educator said they enjoyed the interview process and that it helped them to recall and refresh the skills they had learnt and to use these with greater confidence
- each story was then written up and given back to be edited by the educators.

Huhana Mete
Tumanako Global LeadershipStatus
$10,000.00 (excl GST)
Key Findings
The findings are the individual stories and views of the 20 participants who answered the following interview questions:
- What expectations about literacy and numeracy did you have before you came on the programme?
- What were the personal benefits that you gained from He Mana Ako Training?
- What were the professional benefits that your organisation gained from your participation in He Mana Ako Training?
- What benefits did your students gain from your participation in He Mana Ako training?
- What tools did you find most valuable and continue to use with your students?
- How do you apply the tools to embed and develop literacy and numeracy skills more effectively within your programme delivery?
- What are some of the student outcomes that you have observed when using these tools, activities or strategies?
- How do you think other educators within Aotearoa would benefit from He Mana Ako Māori Literacy and Numeracy Training?
Key Recommendations
A report prepared by Huhana Mete.
(PDF, 3.15 MB, 86-pages).
- 18 September 2013