NCEA Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy Standards Resources
Project Details
Information and resources related to embedding literacy and numeracy learning into training programmes for working towards the NCEA Level 1 literacy and numeracy unit standards. These resources cover topics such as using numbers to solve problems, interpreting statistical information for a purpose and reading texts with understanding.
Key Points to Note:
A resource explaining a teaching and learning sequence that is used to activate prior knowledge.
(PDF, 205 KB, 4-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A teaching and learning sequence about using stem and leaf plots to make comparisons and draw conclusions from two sets of data.
(PDF, 105 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A resource that supports the teaching and learning sequence: Analyse data using a stem and leaf plot.
(PDF, 105 KB, 4-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A resource explaining a teaching and learning sequence that is used to develop a learner’s ability to apply the strategy of annotating.
(PDF, 423 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A teaching and learning sequence used to calculate the median and range for a set of data and compare the median and range for two sets of data.
(PDF, 202 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A teaching and learning sequence that is designed to help learners compose a draft persuasive text.
(PDF, 187 KB, 4-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A resource that supports the teaching and learning sequence: Composing a persuasive text.
(PDF, 199 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A teaching and learning sequence designed to teach learners to carry out metric conversions within the metric measurement system.
(PDF, 306 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A supporting resource for the teaching and learning sequence: Conversions within the metric measurement system.
(PDF, 150 KB, 2-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A resource explaining a teaching and learning sequence used to introduce learners to summarising.
(PDF, 143 KB, 3-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A teaching and learning sequence designed to support learners to become aware of the features of a good interaction.
(PDF, 265 KB, 4-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A support resource for the teaching and learning sequence: Developing an awareness of good practice.
(PDF, 290 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A support resource for the teaching and learning sequence: Developing an awareness of good practice.
(PDF, 247 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A teaching and learning sequence designed to teach learners how to estimate answers to multiplication problems.
(PDF, 210 KB, 6-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A teaching and learning sequence that provides learners with a range of questions that can be applied to various texts to help them identify the writer’s purpose.
(PDF, 268 KB, 11-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A teaching and learning sequence that is designed to help learners reflect on routine interactions in order to plan and practise new and more effective responses.
(PDF, 376 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2019
A teaching and learning sequence that supports the teaching and learning of interaction skills.
(PDF, 272 KB, 4-pages).
- 30 June 2016
This teaching and learning sequence supports the teaching and learning of multiplying and dividing whole and decimal numbers by powers of 10.
(PDF, 300 KB, 9-pages).
- 30 June 2016
This teaching and learning sequence is about organising data using a stem and leaf plot.
(PDF, 248 KB, 4-pages).
- 30 June 2016
This resource supports the teaching and learning of planning the writing of a persuasive text within the broader context of planning, composing, revising and editing.
(PDF, 101 KB, 3-pages).
- 30 June 2016
A supporting resource for the teaching and learning sequence: Planning a persuasive text.
(PDF, 101 KB, 3-pages).
- 30 June 2016
This resource supports the teaching and learning of revising and editing a draft persuasive text within the broader context of planning, composing, revising and editing.
(PDF, 217 KB, 6-pages).
- 30 June 2016
The intent of this resource is to develop a learner’s ability to apply the comprehension strategy of summarising.
(PDF, 298 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016
This resource supports the teaching and learning of understanding of the metric measurement system and simple conversions within that system.
(PDF, 288 KB, 3-pages).
- 30 June 2016
This resource supports the teaching and learning of understanding of place value.
(PDF, 279 KB, 5-pages).
- 30 June 2016