
Selected puzzles, paradoxes and sophisms for Tertiary STEM students

Supporting learners, Educational outcomes, Teaching strategies, STEM
Published: 20 November 2017

This resource offers a curated collection of puzzles, paradoxes, and sophisms tailored to foster critical thinking among tertiary STEM students.

Prepared by Sergiy Klymchuk and Sergei Gulyaev.


Enhancing generic thinking skills of tertiary STEM students through puzzle-based learning

A one-year project to evaluate the impact of the regular use of puzzles, paradoxes and sophisms (PPS) as a pedagogical strategy for enhancing generic thinking skills of tertiary science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students.

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Co-funded by

Ako Aotearoa’s
Regional Hub Project Fund

Partnered with

Auckland University of Technology (AUT)