Simplifying embedded literacy and numeracy for tertiary tutors: Practical ideas and resources for teaching and learning
Completed: 31 December 2019
Project Details
The aim of this two-year project was to produce a series of short guides to support vocational and foundation tutors to embed literacy and numeracy in their teaching practice.
The aims of this project were to provide resources that support vocational and foundation tutors by simplifying the teaching and learning process of embedding literacy.
The guides feature teaching and learning strategies presented in simple diagrams and pictures that are based on practice that has been trialed and refined over the last few years.
The core output of the project is a series of A4 PDFs which outline key ideas about embedding literacy and numeracy in tertiary teaching.
These guides were developed in consultation with a tutor advisory group from a variety of teaching areas across both WelTec and Whitireia, including painting, engineering, hairdressing and business administration. These tutors gave feedback on the practicality of the teaching and learning ideas presented and how easily they could be implemented in their teaching context.
Once these core resources are tested, refined and finalised, a practice sharing forum will be held.

Aleesha Reid
Project Leader
Open Polytechnic
Emma McLaughlin
Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec)
Manaini Cama
Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec)Status
$24,288.00 (excl GST)
Key Findings
The team made five key discoveries:
· Confidence builds interest and engagement
· Tutors want to learn from each other
· Tutors need to see lots of different examples in many contexts
· There are constraints and we need to be realistic e.g. time and resourcing
· Tutors are put off by technical terms including the language of the Learning Progressions
Key Recommendations
Practical ideas for teaching and learning.
(PDF, 3.2 MB, 41-pages).
- 14 December 2019
A short introduction on how to use the short guides to embedding literacy and numeracy.
(PDF, 118 KB, 1-page)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 152 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 289 KB, 1-page)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 429 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 395 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 555 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 212 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 268 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 397 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 589 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020
A short guide to embedding that offers practical tips and ideas to get started embedding literacy and numeracy into teaching and learning.
(PDF, 647 KB, 2-pages)
- 28 January 2020