
Ko Te Ātaarangi – Rāhera Shortland | Tuia Te Ako 2022

Māori learner success
Published: 28 November 2023

Rāhera Shortland reflected on Te Ataarangi's language revitalisation strategies, focusing on the methodology of starting with basic words and gradually forming sentences. She also acknowledged the community's commitment to preserving the language and her dedication to continuing the work of influential figures like Ngoingoi Pēwhairangi and Kāterina Te Heikōkō Mataira.

About the speaker

Rāhera Shortland

Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine

Ko Rāhera Shortland taku ingoa ko Ngāpuhi taku Iwi. Kua kō atu i te 49 tau ahau e whakaako ana, e whakarauora ana i te reo Māori. I puta ahau i nga whakamātautau hei kura māhita i te tau 1975 i te kura Akoranga o Tāmaki Makaurau.

Tohu whakamāori/whakapakeha Taura Whiri - 1988
Kaiwhakaako kura tuarua o Pukekohe - 1977 - 1984
Auckland Girls Grammar - 1985 - 1990
Kura Akoranga Tamaki Makaurau - 1991
AUT Te Ara Poutama - 1992 - 1994
Te Kohanga Reo Poari (Whāriki) - 1995- 1996
Te Kura Tini o Waikato Tohu Pouako Te Ataarangi - 1985 - 1986
Tumuaki Te Ataarangi Inc Society/Te Runanga - 2005 -2008
Mema o Te Paepae Motuhake - Te Reo Mauriora - 2010 -2011
Hanga i taku Kamupene Te Maunga Enterprises. - 2008
I whakawhiwhia ki te New Zealand Order of Merit - 6 Whiringa a Nuku 2016.

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