Graeme Read – Central Hub Sector Services Manager


Tertiary community reconnects at Ako Aotearoa Central Regional Forum

11 May 2023 Supporting learners, Educational outcomes, Supporting staff, Teaching strategies, Strategic Leadership and Change

Ako Aotearoa was delighted to welcome around 100 tertiary and agency representatives to its Central Regional Forum last Friday in Wellington.

Building on the Northern Regional Forum in March, discussions continued around the themes of wellbeing, diversity, online technology and learning, and re-engaging learners.

Central Hub Sector Services Manager Graeme Read said it was “fantastic” to connect with attendees from all parts of the tertiary sector.

“The quality of the presentations was great, and I really enjoyed the kōrero throughout the day. There were some excellent ideas and strategies put forward around the Forum themes.”

Many attendees were grateful to learn of the support available from Ako Aotearoa and others, as well as further steps we can take to support our neurodiverse and Pacific learners.

Ako Aotearoa staff with attendees of the Forum

A big thanks to everyone who attended. Their contributions will continue to aid Ako Aotearoa in improving our products and services to support the sector.

The Sector Services Managers are forming a working group to help develop resources and strategies that align with the Forum themes. The group will include a combination of people that attended the Northern, Central, or Southern Hub Forums, and will be led by Northern Hub SSM Ruth Peterson.

To complete the series, we are pleased to invite Southern-based tertiary staff and agencies to register now for the Southern Regional Forum in Christchurch on 9 June. This event is hosted by our Southern Hub Sector Services Manager Jennifer Leahy.

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