Workplace Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) workshops
During June 2025 the spotlight will be on Workplace LLN. We will share resources, research and information around this theme.
We will also offer four workshops, which will provide you with practical skills, strategies, and knowledge to support learners in the workplace.
Language and literacy workshops
During July 2025 the spotlight will be on language and literacy education. We will share resources, research and information around this theme.
We will also offer four workshops, which will provide you with practical skills, strategies, and knowledge to teach and embed language and literacy in your practice.
Numeracy workshops
During October 2025 the spotlight will be on Numeracy. We will share resources, research and information around this theme.
We will also offer four workshops, which will provide you with practical skills, strategies, and knowledge to support learners’ numeracy development.
Talanoa Numeracy Educator Pathway
Independent learning on Pathways Awarua.
The Talanoa Numeracy Educator Pathway is designed to infuse Pacific flair, wisdom, and energy into the teaching and learning of numeracy.
Numeracy Toolbox | Developing number skills
Develop your learners’ numeracy skills within existing foundation-level programmes.
Numeracy Toolbox | Developing learners’ fractions, decimals, percentages and proportional thinking
Designed to make hard stuff easy, this course will boost your confidence and ability to teach numeracy to anyone.
Developing statistical and measurement skills
An in-depth, customised course for educators to develop learners’ numeracy skills within foundation-level programmes.
Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool
Gain an introduction to the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool (LNAAT) and the related Learning Progressions framework.
Taking that next step in your professional learning and development is easy with Ako Aotearoa. Everything is evidence-based, practical, high-quality, effective and sustainable.
Our range of PLD workshops and courses can be delivered online or face-to-face, many with digital badges awarded on completion:
- In-house Learning and Development
We can deliver in-house professional development targeted to your needs. For face-to-face options, we can come to you. Contact us to discuss your needs and budget. - Public Online Workshops
Register for one of our public workshops scheduled throughout the year. So many topics to choose from!