Judy Magee

Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching

Senior Lecturer, School of Foundation Learning, Otago Polytechnic

"Satisfaction for me occurs when students take their first of many significant steps along the road of lifelong learning".

Judy Magee’s love of science and her practical application of these disciplines are touchstones of this highly motivated and excellent teacher. Her ongoing passion for her subject area is second to none. Judy teaches difficult concepts in innovative, collaborative and memorable ways. She makes learning engaging. Working with distance and on-campus students, Judy has developed successful learning opportunities for a range of learners, including those who may not necessarily have had positive educational experiences previously.

Judy provides a learning environment that builds learners’ confidence and acknowledges their unique and diverse backgrounds. For her, “satisfaction occurs when students take their first steps along the road of life-long learning….to reach goals they had not yet thought of”. This commitment to continuing learning also extends to her own practice. Judy says, “I accompany my students along their own path to become life-long learners”. Judy employs innovative learning approaches and models exemplary teaching practices. She willingly shares her creative ideas with colleagues.