Tuia Te Ako 2015
Tuia Te Ako Conference 2015
A selection of video presentations from Tuia Te Ako 2015, Ako's fourth national Māori education hui.
Held at Lincoln University across three days in July 2015, Tuia Te Ako featured a wide range of speakers from across the wider tertiary education sector.
Key Points to Note:
Tuia Te Ako 2015 was the fourth national conference focused specifically on enhancing Māori tertiary teaching and learning. The annual three-day hui is strategically positioned as an opportunity for Māori in tertiary education as well as iwi, hapū and Māori community representatives from throughout the country to come together to share in discussion and debate on a range of issues that impact on the success of Māori learners.
The overarching kaupapa of Tuia Te Ako 2015 was: Te Whakarauora – Revitalisation through reflection, repositioning and reimagining - mā Māori, mō Māori, e ai ki a Māori kia whakarauora te iwi.
The key theme was divided into three sub-themes:
- Day 1 - Whakatōputia te ako - Reflecting on Māori success
- Day 2 - Waihangatia anō te ako - Repositioning to maximize Māori potential
- Day 3 - Whakahoungia te ako - Reimagining Māori futures
Distinguished Professor Graham Smith's Keynote presentation at Tuia Te Ako 2015: "Ko Ruaumoko e ngunguru nei!: Revitalising the Struggle for Māori Education."
- 9 July 2015
Dr. Rangi Mataamua's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Te Reo o te Paerua Te Reo o te Kairangii".
- 9 July 2015
Charisma Rangipuna's presentation from Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Te reo o te kāinga, he uri o pani."
- 10 July 2015
A presentation by Arihia Bennett, Chief Executive of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, at Tuia Te Ako 2015: "The need for innovation at an iwi level".
- 8 July 2015
Dr. Pedro Noguera's keynote address at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Education for Empowerment: Motivating Students to Succeed in College and Beyond".
- 10 July 2015
Daryn Bean's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Kia noho takatū ki tō āmua ao".
- 8 July 2015
Sacha McMeeking's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Whakatōputia Te Ako, Whakahoungia Te Ako | Intergenerational Continuity & Remixes".
- 8 July 2015
Dr. Katharina Ruckstuhl's presentation at Tuia Te Ako 2015: "Pouri noa ki ruka, e marama ana a raro: While there is darkness above, the light is shining below".
- 8 July 2015
Tā Tipene O'Regan and Hana O'Regan's presentation at Tuia Te Ako 2015: "Tuia ka aho e rua o te ako kia kore rawa e tāwekoweko."
- 9 July 2015
Te Tapuae o Rehua – Ako Whakaruruhau Project presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015.
- 9 July 2015
Dr. Jenny Lee's presentation from Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Ako: Pūrākau as pedagogy".
- 9 July 2015
Dr. Joanne Baxter's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Weaving our Worlds – a strengths+evidence programme for Māori student success in health science".
- 9 July 2015
Ngaruma Karaitiana's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "BCITO - Industry Training Perspective".
- 9 July 2015
Dr. Simon Lambert's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Re-Indigenising Humanity: our role, our needs".
- 10 July 2015
Dr. Suzanne Pitama's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Influencing the future: Maori Health Curricula".
- 10 July 2015
James Mather's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Whakatupu! Whakahāngai! Whakaeke! Build! Adapt! Succeed! – The new direction of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa".
- 10 July 2015
Richard Kerr Bell's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Assessment of Prior Learning – The new frontier of adult education".
- 10 July 2015
Dr. Catherine Savage's presentation at Tuia Te Ako, 2015: "Organic researcher - Flipping the agenda."
- 10 July 2015
Gain an introductory understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. This workshop is for non-Māori only, to ensure cultural safety for participants. Workshops will cater for those with little or no previous knowledge and for those who want to refresh their knowledge.
Māori cultural coaching | Online courses
Develop your cultural awareness and earn an Ako Aotearoa digital badge with our self-paced courses exploring the traditional Māori values of Ako, Manaakitanga, Rangatiraganga, Whanaungatanga and Wairuatanga.
Explore approaches to addressing equity issues in the tertiary education sector and create a personal strategy for addressing an equity issue.
Identify strategies associated with Te Tiriti o Waitangi relevant to your own TEO role and plan implementation of a strategy.