Our Capability Building Model

A stronger, more inclusive system for adult language, literacy and numeracy education

Our model aims to bring together all the elements needed for improving educator capability in adult language, literacy, numeracy and cultural capability.

The Tapatoru Ako Professional Practice Award describes the capability needed by tertiary educators and learning support staff.

Tapatoru underpins:

Capability building at the centre

The Capability Building Model is our road map for Manako PLD and it is informed by the ALN Effective Practice Model. The model aims to lift educational capability and improve parity of outcomes for Māori and Pacific learners. It describes how Ako Aotearoa will manage and implement the Manako PLD offerings. 

Key features and strategic objectives have been defined for each of the model's six focus areas:

  • Governance
  • Strategy
  • Content
  • Delivery
  • Collaboration
  • Communities of Professional Learning

Effective Practice Model informs capability building

The model describes effective pedagogical practice and provides guidance for practitioners in identifying and developing aspects of their own practice.

 The model builds on the Know the learner, Know the demands, and Know what to do framework and expands each of these three areas into practical teaching approaches.

Professional learning designed to build and enhance teaching and learning capability

Manako professional learning and development:

  • is underpinned by the Tapatoru Ako Professional Practice Award
  • draws on the practices described in the ALN Effective Practice Model
  • uses approaches and delivery formats defined by the Capability Building Model.

Supporting Documents


Adult Literacy and Numeracy Capability Building Model | Summary

A new model for the capability building of practitioners and organisations in foundation education.

(PDF, 1.5 MB)

  • 14 June 2023


Manako Capability Building Model | Report

A new model for the capability building of practitioners and organisations in foundation education.

(PDF, 2.2 MB)

  • 14 June 2023


Adult Literacy and Numeracy (ALN) Effective Practice Model | Full report

Full report on the ALN Effective Practice Model. The purpose of the Model is to inform the pedagogical practices of adult literacy and numeracy practitioners in Aotearoa New Zealand.

(PDF, 1.5 MB)

  • 23 May 2023


Adult Literacy and Numeracy (ALN) Effective Practice Model | Summary

A document summarising the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Effective Practice Model - an aspirational model for adult literacy and numeracy practitioners.

(PDF, 1.5 MB)

  • 23 May 2023

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