Tuia Te Ako 2013
Tuia Te Ako Conference 2013
Explore video presentations from Tuia Te Ako 2013, Ako's third national Māori education hui.
Held at Te Wānanga o Raukawa across three days in April, Tuia Te Ako featured a wide range of speakers from across the wider tertiary education sector.
Key Points to Note:
Tuia Te Ako 2013 was the third national conference focused specifically on enhancing Māori tertiary teaching and learning. The three-day hui is strategically positioned as an opportunity for Māori in tertiary education as well as iwi, hapū and Māori community representatives from throughout the country to come together to share in discussion and debate on a range of issues that impact on the success of Māori learners.
The overarching kaupapa of Tuia Te Ako 2013 was: te ākonga, toi te whenua, toi te mana | Emphasise the learner, provide the resources, build self esteem.
The hui had three key pou or themes derived from the Ako Aotearoa kaupapa Māori framework, Te Tauākī Ako:
- Whakapapa – the relationship of tertiary provision to whānau, hapū and iwi aspirations
- Mātauranga Māori – growing the mātauranga continuum to assist and ensure the survival and wellbeing of Māori
- Kairangi – excellence in creating innovative solutions to contemporary issues for Māori learning success
Mereana Selby's presentation at Tuia Te Ako 2013: Karakia, Welcome and Opening Address.
- 9 April 2013
Emeritus Professor Sir Mason Durie's presentation at Tuia Te Ako 2013: "Whakatinanatia: Translating Aspirations into Actions".
- 9 April 2013
Presentation by Joseph Macfarlane, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, at Tuia Te Ako 2013: "Whakatinanatia: Translating Aspirations into Actions".
- 9 April 2013
Presentation by Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, Tumu, Te Wānanga o Te Rangi Āniwaniwa, at Tuia Te Ako 2013.
- 9 April 2013
Presentation by Professor Whatarangi Winiata, Purutanga Mauri, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, at Tuia Te Ako 2013.
- 9 April 2013
Presentation by Ria Tomoana, Manager, Student Experience Project, Whitireia Community Polytechnic, at Tuia Te Ako 2013.
- 9 April 2013
Presentation at Tuia Te Ako 2013 by Associate Professor Rawinia Higgins (Victoria University of Wellington) and Associate Professor Poia Rewi (University of Otago).
- 9 April 2013
Presentations from a panel session at Tuia Te Ako 2013 by Mana Elizabeth Hunkin, Lynne Harata Te Aika and Pakake Winiata. Followed by a presentation by Neville King, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
- 10 April 2013
Presentation at Tuia Te Ako 2013 by Bronwyn Yates, Peter Isaacs, Atawhai Li, Serenah Nicholson and Jessica Hutchings: "Hei Ara Ako ki te Oranga – Kaupapa Māori Wellbeing and Assessment Model for Māori Literacy Learners ".
- 10 April 2013
Three presentations from Tuia Te Ako 2013, by Ivy Harper, Meihana Durie, and Ruma Karaitiana.
- 10 April 2013
Presentations by Dr. Rangi Matamua, and the launch of three Ako Aotearoa research projects.
- 10 April 2013
Presentation by Ani Mikaere, Kaihautū, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, at Tuia Te Ako 2013: "Kairangi: expanding a Māori conception of excellence".
- 11 April 2013
Panel discussion from Tuia Te Ako 2013: Te Tēpu: Kairangi – excellence in creating innovative solutions to contemporary issues for Māori learning success.
- 11 April 2013
Handbook from Tuia Te Ako 2013, Ako Aotearoa's third national Māori education hui.
- 9 April 2013
Proceedings from Tuia Te Ako 2013, Ako Aotearoa's third national Māori education hui.
- 9 April 2013
Gain an introductory understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. This workshop is for non-Māori only, to ensure cultural safety for participants. Workshops will cater for those with little or no previous knowledge and for those who want to refresh their knowledge.
Gain an introductory understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. This course is for Māori only, delivered by a Māori facilitator in te reo Māori and English.
Ako Aotearoa provides professional learning and development opportunities that provide insights into Māori philosophies, values, and practices. Choose from free, self-directed modules on Pathways Awarua, courses supported by an experienced cultural coach, or in-depth, customised courses for your organisation.