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Applying Rangatiratanga in your practice | 30 May 2024

Event Details

30 May 2024

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm


$50 +GST Register

Learn strategies for applying Māori values and methodologies in your practice.

Workshop details

This workshop is one of a series of seven. Watch a short video introduction to the series, or find out more and book other workshops here.

Rangatiratanga (Self-determination of thinking and actions)

Rangatiratanga is a traditional Māori philosophy, value and practice of people exercising their independence, and determining their choices for governing themselves. Rangatiratanga has particular prominence as it is the basis of one of the Articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi (1840), the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand.  

In the context of adult education, rangatiratanga can refer to the processes of independent thinking and actions, and of being part of determining one's decisions for learning and teaching. Educators can also exercise rangatiratanga by supporting learners by mentoring and guiding them to take control of their career pathway choices. 

Topics covered:

  1.  Rangatiratanga as a traditional Mᾱori philosophy.
  2.  Rangatiratanga as one of the Articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi (1840).
  3.  Tino Rangatiratanga and Maori Sovereignty.
  4.  Rangatiratanga as a contemporary Māori philosophy guiding tertiary learning and teaching.

Learning outcomes 

By the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  • recognise and describe Rangatiratanga as a traditional Māori philosophy, within the contexts of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Māori sovereignty, and tertiary education
  • identify and explore applications of Rangatiratanga as a contemporary Māori learning and teaching methodology.

Who is this workshop for? 

This workshop is for people who are seeking to expand their cultural understanding and applied practice of Rangatiratanga as a contemporary learning and teaching methodology.

See other available course dates and options for the series.

About the facilitators

Charmaine Tukua – Kaupapa Māori Facilitator

Charmaine Tukua – Kaupapa Māori Facilitator

Mauriora ki a tātou. Ko Taupiri, ko Aoraki ōku maunga. Ko Waikato, ko Waitaki ōku awa. Ko Tainui, ko Ngai Tahu ōku iwi. I tipu ake au ki Ōtautahi, Te Waipounamu.

Charmaine has been a Kai-Whakarite/ Pouako at ARA | Te Pūkenga for 20+ years with experience in Kaupapa Māori and adult education sectors as a pouako, curriculum developer, programme reviewer, researcher, and workshop facilitator.

Charmaine also works for Literacy Aotearoa and has had many roles as a professional learning developer, national trainer, assessor and moderator, focusing on Māori literacy, and adult literacy and numeracy. Charmaine has facilitated workshops and programmes for many organisations with a passion and focus on Te Ao Māori, Kaupapa Māori, Mātauranga Māori, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Kaupapa Māori Research, Māori mental health, and literacy and numeracy.

Dr Mei Winitana – Manager Mātauranga Māori

Kia ora tātou katoa! He uri ahau i ngā iwi katoa o te waka o Mataatua, Ngāti Ruapani ki Waikaremoana, me Taranaki Whānui ki Waiwhetu. Tihei mauriora!

Mei is Kaiwhakahaere Mātauranga Māori at Ako Aotearoa, with extensive experience in the adult education sector. As a researcher, a resource developer and an experienced workshop facilitator, she works in several collaborative projects focusing on literacy, numeracy, and cultural capability for tertiary practitioners and educators; co-designing of iwi/tribal training and education plans; cultural strategic planning with organisations; development of a suite of Māori cultural capability resources with digital badges.

Ako Aotearoa badges

Participants can earn Ako Aotearoa digital badges as evidence of participation and completion of workshop requirements.

Māori Cultural Capability pathway

After this workshop, participants can pursue the following options to continue their professional development:

Please read these Terms and Conditions before you register.



Ako Aotearoa’s Manako Programme

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